How to cut your hair and donate it to the NC School of the Arts for James’ Bar Mitzvah Project:

  • Put hair in multiple small ponytails all over your head with small rubber bands
  • Cut as close to the scalp as you can and still retain whatever length of hair you’re willing to have remain after the cut
  • Cut so the hair is “held” together by each rubber band
  • Bag hair in a ziplock bag
  • ***IMPORTANT: make sure the hair is completely clean and dry before cutting/bagging.
  • Mail the plastic bags in an envelope. Include name, age and address – and share “before and after” pics so they can put faces with the hair!

A barber in Winston Salem, Dean Shore, will get the hair to the wig making department. He does this for Pirates Vs. Cancer each year at ECU and other events at several colleges raising money to battle children's cancer. He will take ANYONE’S hair who decides to team up with James in this effort. His mailing address is 709 W. Banner Ave, Winston-Salem, NC 27127. Here’s his email so you can send him your before/after pics: [email protected].

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